american apparel

American Apparel Wishlit

1 || 2 || 3 || 4  Bonjour mes amis! - Meaning "Hello my friends!" for all you non-bilingual speaking followers :) anyway lets move on from my 30 second French lesson... ... And onto my wishlist from American Apparel, now as some of might already know, but I'm might have to explain for those of you who don't. Apparently, American Apparel are...

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A little sip of Rose Gold

Shirt - Gap || Trousers - Primark || Adidas Superstars - Christmas Present || Rose Gold Flask - New Look || Denim Jacket - Gap || Denim Backpack - Primark  Hallo meine Freunde (German) - Hey guys, today is just a simple outfit post. I've seen that recently that rose gold has become a thing in fashion/jewellery and in interior design. So I...

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5 Ways to Boost Confidence

    Hey guys... something a little different today. I thought I'd give you guys a small list of little things to when you're feeling down or not so confident. So without wasting any time, here's an insight into the small but eventually easy steps that helped me overcome my insecurities and help my self-esteem/confidence. Let's begin....     1. DON'T COMPARE YOURSELF TO OTHERS  I have personally overcome...

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August/Sixth Form Wishlist

    1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5   Hey Guys! Thought I'd share with you my favourite pieces for this month, and how these pieces tie in perfectly with sixth form. Okay so basically, my sixth form decided to drop a bomb shell on everybody this year, by mentioning that in Yr13 every student has to dress in smart...

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barry m

How to: Nude nails

|| Nails Inc "Hyde Park" - Duty Free || O.P.I "Barefoot in Barcelona || Barry M Matte "Vanilla" - Boots || Barry M Matte "Mocha" - Boots || Hey guys!! So today's content is all about the perfect nude nail, which will always be a thing no matter what. Also I know, I've basically broken the rules already, the Nails Inc is actually...

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Stripes and Slides

|| Stripe Cotton Shirt - H&M || Black Jeans - Topshop || Brown Sandals - Primark || Casio Watch - ASOS || Hey guys! I actually can't believe it's August already... It feels like last week, we were celebrating the new year :( Anyway onto a lighter note, let's talk about my outfit! Lately, I've really been enjoying this look... I feel that...

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