Definitely my favourite hair style and colour, followed by the style that I want to try out Though I'd share with you my recent inspiration on Pinterest, all from the minimal bedrooms to the simplistic aesthetic clothing to the perfect hair style. You can check out my pinterest here. Millie xx What I was listening to whilst making this post Chris Brown -...
Blue striped shirt - Gap || Grey leggings - ASOS || Black boots - Primark || Silver watch - ASOS Bonjour mes amis!! How is everyone's October going? Mine is going great, the leaves are changing, my personal statement for universities is coming together, and its payday on Friday, how can all of that not be good? Outfit-wise, I thought I'd broadcast this...
Hey guys how is your October going?? I thought that I'd create a mini list again, similar to last time. Also I was actually thinking about creating something similar to this every month, tell me whether you like the idea below. So today's list is about things to do on the weekend when your week as been extremely hectic and you're still in...