
9 Teachings of 2015

1. Have no regrets. Having regrets constantly makes you live in the past, therefore making you unable to live and aspire towards the future. They also make you focus mainly on the bad points in life instead of living for the good moments. 2. Move out of your comfort zone. Repeatedly staying in your comfort zone leaves you missing out on things that...

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Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all my readers, wishing that everybody had a great day and everything went to plan, that no food was dropped, people saw their family and they got their desired presents. I also hope that everybody is preparing for their New Years resolutions and their Midnight celebrations! (alcohol included, of course)x Millie xx What I was listening to whilst making this...

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4 ways to Layer up for the Winter

1. KNEE-HIGH SOCKS This has to be one of my favourite ways to layer up for this current weather, purely because they look cute with most boots and can be manipulated into many outfits. For example, they can be worn over a pair of sheer tights, or simply with a pair of ankle boots. 2. EXTRA LAYERS This is an important step, purely...

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