Happy New Year Everyone Boxing Day, for many people this day may mean relaxing at home and doing nothing or feeling guilty for all the food consumed in the previous 24hrs. But for many others it means shopping, and this year (again), I was amongst the latter. The deals on Boxing Day on Regent Street, London are some of the best that any...
Merry Christmas Everyone! It's official! Christmas is finally here. Having as many ups as it's had downs, 2017 has definitely been a bumpy journey, but here we all are sitting happy and gracefully at the end. The date that marks the end of my year every year, is this Christmas breakfast with my best friend Séarlait. Every year we arrange to meet, catch...
Hello Everyone Taking contrast and whiteness into consideration, Webber + Studio produced this beautiful 4 person household home in Austin that features white cladding, a view of the wonderful surrounding landscape at all times, and amazing double height ceilings. The simplicity of the poured concrete flooring along with the glazed walls really helps with giving this home the rustic 'unfinished' look. With concrete being...
Hello Everyone Last week I had to run a few errands, and by checking the weather forecast I noticed that it was way too cold to leave my house with just one layer on. As I mentioned in a recent post, I really want to try again with layering this winter (read it here). And with the UK being extremely cold lately, it...
Hello Everyone Millie xx What I was listening to whilst making this post Skott - Wolf All images are from SohoMod ...
Hello Everyone December is finally here!! Which means its (FINALLY) time for Christmas. The only time of the year where it's acceptable to ask for a hot chocolate with every meal and to sing 'All I want for Christmas' from the moment you wake up. There's a slight chill in the air and it's too much of a risk to leave the house...
Hello Everyone Taking how children usually draw houses into consideration, with their straight lines and internationally know roofing. Filipe Saravia was able to make such a beautiful and extremely modern take on the traditional housing shape. The wood and the black concrete sitting against such a natural setting and blue sky definitely helps in making this project a new favourite of mine. The...
Hello Everyone On Thursday, my friends and I took a trip to our local park, and I couldn't help but think about how Autumn is slowly becoming one of my favourite seasons. The colours, the coldness in the air and the opportunity to dress warmer in scarves gloves and hats. They all offer you something and give me the hope of a fresh...