Hello Everyone Taking how children usually draw houses into consideration, with their straight lines and internationally know roofing. Filipe Saravia was able to make such a beautiful and extremely modern take on the traditional housing shape. The wood and the black concrete sitting against such a natural setting and blue sky definitely helps in making this project a new favourite of mine. The...
Hello Everyone On Thursday, my friends and I took a trip to our local park, and I couldn't help but think about how Autumn is slowly becoming one of my favourite seasons. The colours, the coldness in the air and the opportunity to dress warmer in scarves gloves and hats. They all offer you something and give me the hope of a fresh...
Hello Everyone Different from your usual setting, but still a beautiful one. This 'RedDoor' site is situated near Balinese rice fields, meaning it couldn't be more remote. Relaxation, comfort and hot weather is all 'RedDoor' has to offer and I couldn't want it anymore. The wooden detailing against the green landscape already has me feeling totally relaxed! Also the minimal layout and all-round...
Hello Everyone With Autumn symbolising change, I thought about changing up my wardrobe and it's bold colours. This month I'm definitely thinking about ways to incorporate red into my everyday looks, be it through makeup or red clothing itself! Millie x What I was listening to whilst making this post Daryl Hall & John Oates - Going Thru The Motions All images are...