
New Years Resolution

January 01, 2016

Happy New Year! I hope the year is going off to a wonderful start (No hangovers I hope) and I hope everybody has their year planned out, because I'm not sure I'm being cliché, but it seems to me that 2016 is the year that big things can and will happen!

So, as you can see below, you have caught a glimpse of my resolution, which is quite specific... Its not the usual 'to go the gym' or 'eat fewer sweets' but instead, I've decided to incorporate more Mustards/Browns into my wardrobe, mainly because I feel like it's a very dramatic and bright colour, compared to everyone's favoured muted tones. Also if you remember my previous post (here) I said not to follow trends, so hopefully for 2016 I can stick to that *fingers crossed*.

1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6

I am completely in love with these shorts, mainly because they are extremely versatile in being able to change you from work clothes and directly into party clothes easily with a change of shoes and you're off. They also come in black, but instead of staying in my comfort zone, I decided to choose the camel ones instead.

This shirt to me is totally beautiful, because the sleeves aren't your average sleeve length and the fit of the shirt isn't too figure hugging, neither is it too baggy. Just the perfect balance.

Now, this is an unusual piece for me, seeing as I never usually wear shirt dresses, mainly because the fit is either way off, or the length is just completely off-putting. However, this shirt dress looks like it fits the model perfectly and the detailing on it is just amazing, its something extremely different to what I'd normally wear, but I love it like its apart of my wardrobe already.

This turtle neck is extremely bright, however I agree with having at least one truly vibrant piece of clothing in everyone's closets, mainly because they bring out the fun side in everybody and it gives a little bit of a break from everyone's usual uniform (head-to-toe black).

This bag is definitely a must for me, because it's perfect for the day and for night, and it seems like one of those necessary bags that everyone must have. One that can fit everything in, for example, your makeup bag, your notebook, your on-the-go lunch. EVERYTHING.

This was the first piece that I found when I came onto the Boohoo website, and I have to say, it spoke to me immediately. I mean what can I say? It has everything I would like in a item of clothing. It's a turtleneck, which is my favourite type of top, the colour is one of my faves and it sticks to my New Years Resolution colour scheme, it can take you throughout the majority of the year (with English weather being terrible and all) and finally it's a crop top, there's nothing wrong with showing a bit of skin :) 

My absolute favourite piece has to be No.2. What's yours? Leave a comment below!

p.s All items are from Boohoo.com and you can find similar items here.

Millie xx

What I was listening to whilst making this post:-
Tyler, the Creator - 2SEATER

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  1. Amazing blog post! I love the shorts!

    xx Isabel

    1. Thank you, they're one of my faves too x

  2. Love that yellow long sleeve top with the bag! Great style girlie.

    XO, Jessi

  3. Ah mustard, so classic and chic!! Great post!

    x V


  4. I am in love with camel shorts they are so chic and versatile, thanks for sharing. Do you want to support each others blog by following each other? Please let me know so I can follow you right back:)


    1. I know, they're perfect for everything, definitely x

  5. love the shades, the becca shirt is such a stunning cut and colour!! x



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