
Why Its OK To Recycle

Hello Everyone, I hope your Monday is treating you well! The main question that has been plaguing my mind recently is.... Why do you seldom see any bloggers re-wear clothing?  Do not get me wrong, obviously there is a fine line between healthily re-wearing clothing, and then only living in one item. However (in my eyes), clothes are made in order to be worn...

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Cream Jumper, Grey Scarf | SheIn

Good Morning and Happy Tuesday! The things on my agenda today, are to complete my current to-do list and find a new lipstick (So if you have any tips or suggestions don't forget to leave a comment below.)! My current favourite item in my wardrobe, has to be this jumper from SheIn. The quality is super thick and works well with any other...

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Grey + Denim

Hello Everybody!! Today I thought I'd bring to you what I wore recently. Seeing as the weather has been doing nothing other than steadily declining, and on this particular day, I wasn't feeling wearing a larger coat in order to keep me warm. So I opted for my usual, layered route.  Recently I've been loving this fleece turtleneck from Uniqlo, as it's definitely...

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Recently I took a trip down to IKEA to buy some things for my room, so I thought that I'd make a cute little video to go along with the day. So why not check it out below?!  Thanks for watching guys, and I hope you all have a wonderful week!x ...

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Today I opted for a completely dressed down look, and I believe I succeeded as I was incredibly comfortable and warm, despite there being a change in the weather as it's well and truly freezing outside.  If anyone has recently visited my Instagram account (@Mil.jpeg) you have probably noticed that the current theme running throughout my images, has been the subtle and incredibly...

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boxing day

Boxing Day Shopping

Hey everyone! I know the posts dwelling on 2016 should well and truly be over, however in my most recently YouTube video (see below) I said that I would be showcasing outfits posts featuring the items that I bought during the Boxing Day sales. So I thought why not share with you all, the outfit that I wore? xx If you missed the...

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What University Has Taught Me | Letter To Myself

After only being at University for the past 5 months, I still believe that I have somewhat changed as a person, and I believe that it was evident throughout my blog too. There have multiple changes; a new logo, layout/theme, and my consistency has improve and I just think that the overall quality has developed. So in today's post, I wanted to basically...

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Happy 2017!

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! I thought what better way to start off the new year, than with a kickass blog post, that I'm already in love with! The colours and everything included in this blog post bring me nothing but joy. Mainly because the images were taken at the best time of the day... Golden Hour! The warm glow of the sun just...

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