
Why Its OK To Recycle

January 30, 2017

Hello Everyone, I hope your Monday is treating you well!

The main question that has been plaguing my mind recently is.... Why do you seldom see any bloggers re-wear clothing? 

Do not get me wrong, obviously there is a fine line between healthily re-wearing clothing, and then only living in one item. However (in my eyes), clothes are made in order to be worn more than once. You see many celebrities wear an item/outfit only once and then boom, they're done with it. But for many normal people, we do not get that 'luxury'. If any of you have been following my blog recently, I've have been loving this coat! (Check here, here & here). I pull this beauty out every winter, and it serves me well every time. I very rarely look for a new coat whenever winter hits, because I know that this coat (Pepe) has my back. Another funny thing is that every item in this blog post (minus the tote) has been worn on this blog before:

Turtleneck - Check this post
Levis - Check this post
Trainers - Check this post

I truly believe there is no harm in re-wearing clothing, and hey.... to some extent, it's actually good for the environment. I was recently reading a blog post from my best friend Séarlait's blog, and she mentioned how fast fashion and frequently shopping (Online for example) is damaging, not only for our wallets but for the environment too!

So everyone just keep in mind... Sometimes it's OK to pull out A/W12's coat or S/S10 skirt, there's no harm done!

Millie xx

What I was listening to whilst making this post
Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark - Georgia

Turtleneck - ASOS | Coat - GAP | Levis - EBAY | Bag - LABOUR AND WAIT | Trainers - CLARKS | Glasses - H&M

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  1. You look so cool! Love the camel coat and the frayed hem of your jeans as they add such a cool touch :)
    Feel free to take out my latest post x

    1. Aww thank you so much Arianne! Thanks for stopping by babe x

  2. Love this post girl! I totally agree with you, clothes are made to be worn more than once! It's really scary to think how big of an effect fast fashion is having on the environment..something for us all to think about!

    XOXO, Jessi

    1. Glad you liked it Jessi! I know, it's extremely worrying!! Thanks for stopping by baba x

  3. Yes!! Love this post and totally agree that items should be worn more than once. Love your coat with the turtleneck!

    ♡ Jaime

    1. Cheers Jaime!! It really means a lot!x

  4. Glad you enjoyed it Nadush!x

  5. That coat is definitely timeless and classic! Love the color!


    1. Aww thanks you so much Tina!! Camel has to definitely be one of m favourite colours!x

  6. Love your look darling! You look fabulous!
    Follow me on Instagram @remisabbah for more fashion
    Check out the latest post on the blog: www.remisabbah.com/blog/

    1. Thank you Remi, glad you stopped by!x

  7. Oh so beautiful! Loving the outfit.

    Funmi x


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