
Happy Birthday (To Me)

February 23, 2017

Hello Everyone,  today I bring to you some of the cute little images that were taken on my birthday (February 21st). If you follow me on IG (@Mil.jpeg) you may have already seen some images. If that is the case then, lucky you as you get to view some similar content twice over.

In other words... I recently turned 19 (I have another post relating to this soon), but unfortunately half of my birthday was spent at University as I actually had class on the Tuesday. But nevertheless, I spent the day with amazing friends, and I was able to switch off towards the end with my family!

So scroll below just to see a mini image haul from 21.02.2017... Enjoy! <3 x

 I opted for a very sexy cocktail, which featured Mango, Vodka and a little bit of Lime!! It tasted as gorgeous as the picture of it!
Being a vegetarian, I opted for the safer menu, which was fried egg with brown rice and salad, and I must say.... It was truly amazing! 
The best sweet potato fries, you'll ever taste 
My sister to the left and my brother in the middle, once together we're probably the loudest and most annoying group of people you'll ever meet! But overall, I'm happy I was able to spend another turning of age with them! <3

I hope you all enjoyed your Tuesday, and I hope you all have an amazing weekend!

Millie xx

What I was listening to whilst making this post
Takuya Karoda - Rising Sun

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