Hello Everyone! During a recent lecture at university, I had the thought that I do not share enough Interior Design posts with you all, which is a bit of a shame really, as Interior Design is one large part of my being and actually what I'm studying currently at university! So I was thinking of introducing a new series every other Thursday of...
Hello Everyone! This Tuesday I met up with Séarlait and we took pictures and walked her dog Sam. Due university getting quite stressful, I knew I needed to get out of the house and do something calming. So what better way to spend your day than with one of your best friends, outdoors in the beautiful Spring weather?x Check out Séarlait's blog here ...
Hallå Everyone! This Sunday consisted of another walk in the park with my best friend Séarlait, and a mini bike ride with my Mother and stopping to literally smell (and buy) some flowers. In order to complete the day, I opted for a simple all white look with a minor adjustment. These blue Nikes. I was looking for a simple pair of shoes...
Hej Everyone! I hope your day has been good and well! This Wednesday, my friends Dela, Pat and I all took a trip to the IKON gallery to view the most recent exhibition for a cute day out. I once again opted for a slouchy/relaxed look. I pulled out my favourite coat, seeing as despite the sun being out, it was still quite...
Hej Everyone! Seeing as I'm in still in the process of doing up/ converting my room, I thought I'd share with you an inspirational moodboard as it is sure to give you all an insight as to the type of environment/feel that I want within the space. I added in an essence of plant life, as the plants would be sure to make...
Good morning everyone (Well its morning here anyway), I wanted to wish you all a happy week and to just take in that fact that the weather has completely shifted and its super obvious that it is Spring! So in order to celebrate and catch up, me and my best friend Séarlait had a cute little walk in the park! I opted for...