
Spring Playlist

June 06, 2017

Hello Everyone!

Now, I must admit, it has been some times since I last provided you all with my current songs that I'm obsessing over. So I thought, that now would be the best time, mainly due to the fact that the weather in England has been terrible, and there is no solution to bad weather that works better than music. 

This playlist consists of songs that help me to get jobs done efficiently (and with a bit of dancing of course). It is a wonderful mixture of soul, jazz and everything else in between. So, sit back relax and pop a headphone in.

1.  Saint Tropez - Coeur a Coeur
2. Lakeside - I Need You
3. Miguel - Coffee
4. Prince & The Revolution - Erotic City
5. All Saints - One Strike
6. YACHT - Psychic City (Classixx Remix)
7. Tomppabeats - Smile
8. Heatwave - Always and Forever
9. Cameo - Attack Me With Your Love
10. Lakeside - Eveready Man

Millie x

p.s If you're an Apple Music user, you can download this playlist here

What I was listening to whilst making this post
Lakeside - Eveready Man

Image taken by ME 

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