
Interior | No.7

July 21, 2017

Incorporating the smart use of natural and raw materials,  Johannes Torpe Studios  were able to make this Palæo Primal Gastronomi  store in Copenhagen, Denmark an interior with a breath-taking design. The fast food chain's main concept is to draw away from the belief that fast food is always unhealthy, however with the aid of Johannes Torpe Studios, their customers will take away more than a healthy meal to go.

The smart use of natural and artificial lighting is reasoning enough to visit this restaurant alone, but the calming and warm colour palette is definitely not too harsh to steal the show away from the food served.

Millie xx

What I was listening to whilst making this post
Daryl Hall & John Oates - She's Gone

All images are from Soho Mod

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  1. amazing aesthetics! I love this!

    XO, Jessi


  2. This looks fantastic, the plants are a perfect complement in terms of colour!


    1. Definitely agree, the plants are the perfect finishing touch x


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