
Interior | No.29

May 24, 2018

Hello Everyone

Once again, it is no secret to those of you who read my blog, that I have a weakness for both interior design and Japanese designed ones too. I recently stumbled across this gorgeous Japanese home, located in the Nagano Prefecture. 

This lakeside home features floors all consisting of different heights, building materials, but all look outward to the amazing surrounding view. Located in the mountains, there is not one window/door in this lakeside home that hasn't captured the beautiful essence of what is Japan and the mountain views that it has to offer.

All I can say is, if I lived here... I'd be smiling as much as the people featured in the images too!

Millie xx

What I was listening to whilst making this post
Nanette Workman - If I Cant See you

All images are from Dezeen

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