
Interior | No.35

August 16, 2018

Hello Everyone

Today I bring to you this minimal retreat for Jim Jennings, by Jim Jennings. This white canvas of a weekend retreat, based in San Francisco's, Palm Springs, features nothing but minimalistic beauty and an endless outward view of the close by mountains and surrounding desert. 

Having everything designed perfectly down to the last measurement, Jennings took advantage of being his own client and made sure that everything that was completed, was completed to both his and his wife's liking. This retreat, similar to my previous interior featured on the blog (read it here) features tall walls that from the outside seem pretty cold and uninviting, but internally seem quite cosy and reassuring. Which all seems to work with the blank white wall aspect, and rather than giving off a medicinal or clinical feel, works in perfect harmony with the forever blue skies and distant mountain ranges.

One weekend here, and I'd be set for life. What do you think?

What I was listening to whilst making this post
Lakeside - I Need You

All images are from YellowTrace

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  1. OMG pure interior goals! Have a lovely day. xx



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