

September 11, 2018

Hello Everyone

Last month, my close friend Maggie and I spent the day together carrying out a photography shoot for her university project. And luckily I was her chosen model. The concept behind her shoot focused heavily on up-and-coming women in the design industry, and why they've chosen the specific paths that they have. I was asked questions on my (interior) design style, and my points of view on the current direction of the industry, and some personal questions, for example, the meaning behind my tattoos. Have a peek at some of my answers below:

A: One of the things that inspire me on a daily basis in terms of myself is having the chance to sit down, and listen to music. Too many times we try to multitask and do one or more things simultaneously, but I really love sitting down and doing nothing other than listening to either the lyrics, tempo or overall feel of a song. Doing this is usually enough to put me in a great mood for the day, as my mood/emotions depend heavily on creative outlets.

Another thing that I find myself doing quite often is reading. Through being an introvert and harvesting my energy alone, I find it to be quite a meditational process. I get the chance to move at my own pace, pick a topic I like and sit down with a hot drink and do nothing other than read. My favourite genre/type of book to read is 'Self-Help' as they can give you an unlimited list of insights and can give you enough motivation and energy to run 2 marathons back-to-back haha. In combination with your own prior knowledge, reading Self-Help books, in my opinion, are incredible for everyone, especially introverts as they can make you feel as though you can do anything. One of the books that I'm currently reading is Susan Cain's 'Quiet'. Despite only being a few chapters in, it's already made me feel prouder to be a quiet person, and less of a 'party-pooper' or 'recluse'. But more of someone who thinks strategically, and only provides an input when it is necessary.

A: 'LIFE IS BETTER WHEN YOU'RE LAUGHING' isn't an original quote, but the meaning is still as true as ever. More often than not we find ourselves worrying about the things we have no control over, but the one thing that we can control is our happiness and the things that we let bother us.

'BE NICE OR GO AWAY'. The most playful out of the four. I love this tattoo as it's a reminder that we should all tree each other with respect and should help wherever and whenever we can.

'TRIANGLE'. I have both an older brother and sister, so this tattoo was a reminder that family is important and that we should always strive to keep both ourselves and them happy. Being a huge believer in astrology and zodiac signs, this triangle is also a symbol of water, and being a Pisces, I thought that this tattoo was perfectly fitting and was able to represent me in more ways than one. and finally, an upside-down triangle is symbolic of women, and I mean... What more could you ask for? Girl power!

'UNTITLED'. Being my most recent tattoo, and hand drawn by me, it showcases where I currently am in my life and the paths that I have chosen. The erratically drawn lines, symbolise the craziness that we all experience in life, but are in no way designed to control them but to instead work alongside them. The small people-like figures represent my family and me, as they are a huge driving force behind the majority of the things I do. I do not come from a rich background, but in the future, I'd love to be able to support both my family and I. Lastly, we have the large rectangle-like shapes, For me, these represent 2 of the topics that I care about the most currently. Languages & Design. Design is one of the present yet hidden aspects of life that help us to discover the world, whereas Language is both an auditory and visual form of communication and design, that does the same thing.

Millie x

What I was listening to whilst making this post
Sara Evans - I Could Not Ask for More

Black turtleneck - &OtherStories | Navy trousers - UNIQLO | Shoes - ALDO via ASOS | Turtleneck dress - MANGO

All images were taken by my friend Maggie

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