
Ways To Forgive Yourself

February 09, 2020

Hello Everyone

Forgiveness. An important thing that all humans need for both themselves and for others also. It not only helps you to move forward with life, but it also helps you to dissolve the past, making the now that little bit more enjoyable. We all have days where we find ourselves doing nothing other than ruminating or focusing endlessly on the 'mistakes' that we made in the past, however, I, below, have provided myself and those of you who are reading with a shortlist of things that you can take into consideration when you find yourself stuck in one place and being unable to forgive yourself.

1. Realise that there's nothing that you can change about the situation.
This tip is as simple as it seems. In the past year, I've realised that I have encountered many challenges - and still am - but I have simultaneously realised that there is not much that I can change about those same challenges. There are some situations that are entirely out of my control, and assuming that I can control 100% of the outcome is nothing but a misjudgement on my end. Therefore, I am better off understanding that I can somewhat plan for the worst, but there still needs to be some sense of spontaneity and wonder within each situation. Take everything within your stride, and similar to Bruce Lee's famous quote, "Be like water my friend."

2. Find something else to focus on.
By actively choosing to find something else to spend your time and energy on, you'll find that you have no only taken a deep dive into something new and better, but you would have made way for time to do it's thing. Heal. I find that you will never be able to forgive yourself if you spend 100% of your time ruminating, and endlessly reliving the past and analysing the places, stages and sentences where you made a 'mistake'.

One day you'll wake up and find that you have changed and no longer feel the same. Therefore, I'm a huge believer in giving 'time' a chance and letting her take the wheel.

3. Understand that no one is perfect.
Despite the things that we display on social media, no one is perfect nor will they ever be. In other words, we all need to cut ourselves some slack and remember that some of those same 'mistakes' that we have made in the past have in fact made us the strange, perfectly imperfect and wonderful beings that we are today. Had it not been for those 'awkward' moments, or questionable actions and scenarios we would not have learned our lesson, or have been able to take some of the remarkable teachings with us into the now and the future.

So, always keep the present and in the back of your mind and remember that there are no 'mistakes', only lessons - that don't bear repeating - and small droplets of guidance that we can take with us into our daily lives, and potentially help others so that they too can learn from your lessons.

We all need to cut ourselves some slack and give ourselves some breathing room and time to make decisions. There is no cookie cutter shape or one size fits all when it comes to life and daily living. We all look, think, act, speak and behave differently, therefore, there is no perfect way to live your life. We are all experiencing our own lives for the first time. So, in other words, there is no way that we can live it wrong. Keep pushing forwards, and remember, forgive yourself.

Millie xx

What I was listening to whilst making this post
The Black Skirts - Who Do You Love

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