
About Me // March Wishlist

March 23, 2013

Hey Guys! I would just like to give everyone a warm welcome to my blog, I hope that everyone and me like(s) it!! I was thinking about introducing myself, and then get cracking onto the fashion side of me, so first of all I'd like to do a little 10 things about me

  1. My favourite colour is white
  2. My first name is actually Millicent
  3. I'm 15yrs old and I'm in yr10
  4. I'm the youngest of 3 children
  5. I'm allergic to animal fur :(
  6. I've taken art, dance, history, french and german as GCSE's
  7. My bestfriends are Chloe, Amy, Missy and Jess
  8. I'm 1 third English, 1 third, Jamaican and 1 third Guyanese 
  9. Silly, but my 2 favourite shops are Topshop and IKEA
  10. I live in Coventry, England 
And that's 10 things about me,

|| 1 Joni High waisted Jeans - Topshop || 2 Gold Tone Cross Ring - River Island  || 3 Applique M Sweat - Topshop || 4 Bandana Skirt - Lazy Oaf || 5 Light Denim Acid Runner Shorts - Topshop || 6 - Metallic Sweat - Topshop || 7 OFWGKTA Beanie - Ebay || 8 Mesh Crop Vest - Topshop ||

I'm in love with the Appilque M Sweat from Topshop, obviously because my name begins with an 'M' and I love the shade of orangey red on the sleeves. I've wanted some high waisted jeans for a long time now so them being No.1 on my list was a definite. The 'OFWGKTA' beanie was a definite, because I love their logo and I love the group. I always did want a cross ring, but then crosses blew up and I didn't want to seem like a sheep and wear everything everyone else was wearing so I waited a while, now that they've died down I'm going to purchase it... Now to the shorts, I'm in love with these shorts, I always have been and I always will be, because they remind me of america (I'm in love with america). I'm not going to talk about everything cause I don't want to bore anybody.

So, I hope to be posting more stuff throughout March, and hopefully I wont give up, Laters.

Millie xx

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