
IKEA Wishlist

April 19, 2015

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Hey people. How is your transition from spring to summer going? Cause right now it's extremely hot, and I can't wait until the weather is back to being turtleneck appropriate. Anyway, today I thought I'd share with you my bedroom wishlist, instead of my typical fashion/ clothing wishlist. Well as you can see, everything on the list today is from IKEA, my favourite shop! :) I just love how you can get lost amongst all the little showrooms and bedding, and then it's show time when you reach the market place and self-serve. Anyway that's enough of me rambling... Moving on... The things that I love most on this wishlist is the stripy black and white pillow and how it just matches perfect with the EIVOR throw over. it's a perfect little set without even trying.  I also love the little stool, and I must say £8 is a really good deal for such a statement piece. I mean this piece of furniture literally speaks for itself.
Millie xx
p.s. Is there anything in my wishlist that similar or exactly the same as yours? Just let me know in the comments :)
What I was listening to whilst making this post
Chris Brown & Tyga - Ain't Thinkin' Bout You

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  1. I'm seriously so in love with IKEA. I need to go IKEa shopping for my room too!


    1. It's literally the best place to go :) x

  2. Great picks!



  3. beautiful wishlist! so need an ikea in my town
    xx http://1finedai.blogspot.com/


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