
New booties

June 03, 2015


|| Truffle Cross Over Sandals (via ASOS) - £14 ||

Hey guys!! How is your sunless summer going?!

Just wanted to share these new additions with you guys, so you could see how adorable they are! :) 

The amazing thing about these shoes is that, they are ridiculously comfy, but they do make a little air sound every time you put your foot down, but this is the price we have to pay for constable shoes! So tell me your opinions of these shoes, or if you have anything similar in the comments below :)

p.s. Hope you guys have a great summer... Even if the sun isn't out

Millie xx

What I was listening to whilst making this post
Giorgio Moroder - I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone

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  1. They're beautiful ! Lucky you !
    Follow me on GFC, I always follow back.


  2. L O V E these! i have been looking for some similar to this for so long, you really can't complain for £14 can you really.. xx


    1. Thank you :) maybe if you have a look on asos, they could still be there x


Thank you for taking the time out to comment! <3