
Holiday Stuff

July 29, 2015

Hey guys, so I feel a bit weird doing a post that has barely anything to do with clothes or anything... But let's crack away.

So as you all know, (because you're a part of it) the holidays have officially begun, and everyone is spending most of their days thinking... What to do with their day. So me personally I have come up with a conclusion... HIT THE GYM! It's probably one of the healthiest hobbies you can have and if you go frequently, during the summer then you'll be looking amazing for your holiday and when you surprise everybody when you go back to school and work with your new amazing bod. :)

I know it's probably of the hardest things to start because it requires a lot of motivation... But once you get started and start seeing results you'll be hooked.

So a little bit of advice... "Don't knock it,till  you try it"

Millie xx

What I was listening to whilst making this post
Rainy Milo - This Thing of Ours

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  1. I walk 1 hour and run 1 hour per day... I can tell you, for me it's enough!
    No gym ;)

    1. At least you're doing something, which actually sounds great! :) x


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