boxing day

YouTube | VLOG

On Boxing Day just gone, I showed you all the goodies that I bought (check the post out here). However did you know that I made a vlog on the same day? Currently I've been trying to get the hang of marketing and getting my YouTube videos viewed by more people, however I'm also in the process of mastering the layouts and the...

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& Other Stories

Boxing Day Deals

On Boxing Day, I took a trip down to London (check out my vlog here) in order to take my brother back home, and made a little stop off in some shops to see what was what, and I must say, I liked what I saw. I'm also pleased to say that the warm embrace of Boxing Day was clearly present and I...

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all black

Christmas Shopping

jumper - THRIFTED | jeans - WEEKDAY | tote bag - IKON GALLERY | booties - RIVER ISLAND Hey everybody!! Okay, so I thought I'd start off with a question... and that question is, Am I the only person who designates a whole outfit just for Christmas shopping?! Because if I am.. then I guess that makes me pretty weird (oh well). Either...

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Merry Christmas!

 Hey everyone! I thought I'd just make a quick post, just to wish you all a Merry Christmas, and I hope that you all enjoy this time not to just think about presents, but think about the people you're spending your time with!x I believe that every year, people get sucked into the idea of having to find the 'perfect present', when really...

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Pink + White

jumper - LEMAIRE collaboration with UNIQLO | turtleneck - DEPOP | culottes - BOOHOO | shoes - H&M | earrings - ASOS | bag - LUSH Pink and White probably have to be one of my most favourite colour combinations, as I believe they make you seem expensive, and also quite innocent, which isn't a bad thing. I believe i've mentioned in an...

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what I love about winter

Seeing as everyone is compiling lists of things to get the loved ones in your life for this Christmas season, I though I'd instead, give you all a list of the other aspects to enjoy other than gift giving/ gift receiving... but from my perspective! <3 1. HOT CHOCOLATE I'm pretty sure that everyone and their cousin knows that I love hot chocolate,...

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Smart In Denim

dungarees - GAP | jumper - ASTLEYS | turtleneck - PRIMARK | shirt - GAP | shoes - H&M | bag - LUSH | earrings - ASOS | watch - CASIO via ASOS Today I decided to wear one of the best outfits my wardrobe has to offer. I think the main reason why I love it, is because it has a mixture...

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earring love

I thought I'd compile a list of beautiful ear bling as I believe that earrings are one of the main pieces of jewellery that completes the outfit. These gorgeous pieces could either be gifted (if you haven't got your christmas presents sorted out yet), or they can be for yourself (I know mine will be), So begin to look below for gorgeous pieces,...

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wrapped up.

First things first, I am obsessed with these mittens of mine, purely because they're super cute and normal finger gloves make my fingers colder than usual (weird, I know)  smiles all around, because despite the cold, Winter is my favourite season... it's Christmas, there's snow and my birthday is soon!! coat - GAP | scarf - H&M | turtleneck - ASOS | jumpsuit...

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