
Smart In Denim

December 13, 2016

dungarees - GAP | jumper - ASTLEYS | turtleneck - PRIMARK | shirt - GAP | shoes - H&M | bag - LUSH | earrings - ASOS | watch - CASIO via ASOS

Today I decided to wear one of the best outfits my wardrobe has to offer. I think the main reason why I love it, is because it has a mixture of playfulness mixed with smart attire. The shirt pairs perfectly with the dungarees (or overalls if you're American) and there's a slight glimpse of the turtleneck poking out the top and around the sleeves, and then to finish it off, I have my current favourite jumper that I did a DIY on myself. Check me out wearing it here and here.

Also check out the vlog for this day on my youtube channel, or here below:
Millie xx

What I was listening to whilst making this
Cameo - Word Up

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  1. Love that denim jumper babe!! You're looking gorgeous as always! Hope you're having a great week :)

    XO, Jessi

    1. Aww glad that you loved the outfit Jessi, hope you enjoy the rest of your week xx

  2. You look so pretty!

    Edye | Http://gracefulcoffee.com


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