
Merry Christmas!

December 24, 2016

 Hey everyone! I thought I'd just make a quick post, just to wish you all a Merry Christmas, and I hope that you all enjoy this time not to just think about presents, but think about the people you're spending your time with!x

I believe that every year, people get sucked into the idea of having to find the 'perfect present', when really it should be less about the money, because at the end of the day its what you do WITH people, not what you do FOR them! Just remember to keep that in the back of your mind this Christmas, I hope you all have an amazing time, and I'll see you on the flip side!x

Millie xx

What I was listening to whilst making this post
Oh Land - Speak Out Now

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  1. I hope you had a joyful and cozy Christmas ! :D I love just love this holiday, I wish it could last longer.


    1. Thank you babe, mine was great and I hope yours was too! I totally agree, if it was over a 3-day span, I'd be extremely happy!x


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