
day in the life / 051116

November 26, 2016

A few weeks ago, me and my best friend Séarl took a trip to London in order to visit the Tate. For those of you who don't know, the Tate Modern  is an amazing museum/gallery in London, that is home to some amazing pieces of art work... and an incredible gift shop. It was a very inspirational trip, and left me tingly and ready to create, hopefully these images (or my enthusiasim) will leave you in the exact same state of mind x
first off, the start to any autumn/winter day isn't complete without a hot chocolate
a bit of cubist paintings
 do your eyes hurt yet?!

the famous IKEA ps collection!! <3
grey trousers - H&M | black turtleneck - PRIMARK | grey polo shirt - PRIMARK | vans - via ASOS | watch - CASIO via ASOS | tote bag | earrings - ASOS

In order to stay ahead/up to date, the best way to do so, is by visiting art galleries/museums, as they showcase modern artists/designers, and their thought process. Obviously they're amongst a mixture of new and old artists, but either way, inspiration is never from around the corner, once you've visited a gallery or two.

You can also check out the vlog for my trip to London here.

What I was listening to whilst making this post
The Orion Experience - Dandy

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  1. Replies
    1. Aww thank you babe, it means a lot x

  2. Looks like Tate Modern has some really amazing and beautiful art pieces.. I'd love to go if I ever find myself in London :) Have a great week hun! <3

    XO Jessi,

    1. It's wonderful!! You definitely need to, thanks for stopping by Jessi x

  3. Lovely photos and hope you had a beautiful day. :) I definitely enjoy visiting to art museums to get inspired so thanks for this share.


    1. Thank you babe, it was a great day!!x


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