

March 14, 2017

Hello Everyone! I hope your week has served you nothing but happiness, I know mine has :) Today I bring to you another day that I spent in Switzerland, however........ this day was actually spent in Germany. As I visited the Vitra Design Museum located in Weil Am Rein (definitely a must see). The museum is all around perfect and it actually had multiple museums/showrooms to visit all on the same site/location. 

I'm not fully sure if everybody loves museums as much as I do, but I thought I'd give you all a little insight into the things that make me tick! So scroll below to see my little journey, and let me know what you think in the comments!x

Millie xx

What I was listening to whilst making this post
Daryl Hall & John Oates - Realove

Turtleneck - Primark | Jumper - DIY by ME | Jeans - LEVIS via EBAY | Trainers - CLARKS | Coat - GAP | Scarf - COS | Tote - AMERICAN APPAREL | Earrings - ASOS 

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  1. Beautiful photos! Looks like an amazing museum, thanks for sharing! ♥


    1. Thank you much Jen! Glad you liked it x

  2. Looks and sounds like such an amazing experience Millie! Thanks so much for sharing so much of your trip with us hun! <3

    XO Jessi,

    1. It was truly amazing Jessi! I believe you'd love Switzerland!! Glad you liked it babe <3

  3. Museums are the best, and such gorgeous photos too!


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