
First Time Flying?! | VLOG

March 09, 2017

Hey everyone!! Today I bring to you, another YouTube video. However this time its me showing you all my taking my first ever flight on a plane?! I must admit, to a certain extent, it was quite a scary experience seeing as planes were the only mode of transport I hadn't been on, and I wasn't even with my family. But, I wouldn't exchange the experience for the world! The video also includes some shots from Switzerland itself, so scroll below and have a peak!x

Millie xx

What I was listening to whilst making this post
Nena - Leucttrum

Jumper - DIY by ME | Turtleneck - ASOS | Earrings - MANGO | Watch - CASIO | Trousers - H&M | Coat - GAP | Shoes - CLARKS | Tote - EBAY | Glasses - EBAY | Scarf - COS

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  1. Great blog!

  2. I always have so much fun watching your vlogs babe! The shots of Switzerland look amazing! :)

    XO Jessi,

    1. Ahh thank you Jessi, that means so much coming from the babe who has amazing videos!! Happy you liked it x


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