
Day to Night

October 07, 2017

Hello Everyone

Anyone who has been a long time reader of my blog knows that I love earrings as much as the next person. Also with the weather slowing changing from Summer to Autumn, and the days are no longer as bright as used to be. We need to make sure that our outfits can serve us from day to night. I believe that the item of clothing that can make that shift simple without having to buy a completely new outfit (even though we'd all love to). Earrings. Earrings are the beautiful components that create and finish any outfit. I mean, they even had a whole trend dedicated to them (Statement Earrings ). If that isn't reason enough alone, I don't know what is :)

Whether you're at university, school, work, or anything in between. I believe that this outfit is the perfect outfit in order to run errands, get any small or big job done. The perfectly relaxing mules, accompanied with such a cute little bag . But once again, the item that finishes this outfit off, definitely would be these gorgeous earrings from AUrate. Perfect for anyone and 100% real gold. Simply beautiful.

After a long day working, but then having to socialise with friends, or attend meetings, I believe that this is the perfect outfit to do so in. A gorgeous blazer to put you in the 'not so casual' category, but then the shoes also put you in the 'not too formal' category. And once again, the turning point is these earrings from AUrate. Another wonderful outfit that could take you either from day to night.

Millie xx

What I was listening to whilst making this post
Roger - I Want To Be Your Man

All images are my own

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  1. omg that first look is so clean, so chic! Love your picks babe, those earrings are gorgeous<3

    XO, Jessi


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