
How To Plan Your Week Ahead

October 21, 2017

Hello Everyone

Planning. One of the hardest but most effective things that we can do with our time. In recent years we've all given ourselves too many tasks and too little time to complete them in. So I began to think, what better way to make the tasks seem a little bit more manageable than with a planner? (I know, it almost makes TOO much sense haha)

So first things first, I'm sure you all know about the 'Bullet Journal'? And if not, you need to! It's mainly a handwritten diary/calendar of some sort and all you need in order to create one is a ruler, a pencil, a pen and, some time. I created mine in under 1 hour. The journal is perfectly ideal for planning for the month, week and day. So below I have thought of the perfect little details that can be added to ensure you have the most productive week ahead of you. 

1. Monthly, Weekly and Daily Plan
For my bullet journal, I have a whole double page spread for the month so I am able to write down any immediate details on each day, as you would with any other calendar. For example, birthdays, due dates and bill due dates. 

2. Social Media Plan
Now, I know that some of you reading this only use social media as and when it feels right. However, there are also many of you working through social media, so I believe that having a plan for deadlines, post updates, emails responses... anything. Having everything written in one place should, in theory, make you work more efficiently and more inclined to get those posts posted!

3. Plan Meals
Only recently have I started tracking my meals and I'm actually questioning why I didn't start earlier. I've already seen a decrease in the food that I'm buying and an increase in the time that I spend actually cooking healthy meals. The main thing that I do is set out my meal plan similar to my weekly plan and then list what I plan on eating coming breakfast, lunch, and dinner time. Life and time saver.

4.  Mood Tracker
I've seen mood trackers listed in many people's bullet journals, and I must admit that I want to try it out. It's mainly for check marking your progress throughout the week and jotting down how you were feeling at the time. There are many times where we let the stress of tasks get to us, so by putting all of the emotions down on paper, we're able to document how many times we've sweated the small stuff and we should then in the future be able to handle the stress better.

5. Create Goals For The Next Week
Just as important as the current week itself. By writing down the goals that you wish to achieve for the up and coming week, you're able to remain at your best 100% of the time. Completing all of your tasks has never been easier. I write down the main goals of the week down and then divide it up even further when the following week arrives.

And there we have it. All my little tips, tricks and pieces of advice when it comes to writing a bullet journal. Please leave a comment below and tell me if you use a bullet journal too! I'd love to know whether you find them helpful or not :3

Millie x

What I was listening to whilst making this post
RADWIMPS - Zenzenzense

All images are my own

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  1. Such great tips!!! Planning ahead definitely helps keep track of everything that needs to be done! Thanks for sharing this!

    XO, Jessi

  2. great tips, I will give them a try because I always have issues keeping up with my weeks :(
    thanks for sharing :)


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