Hello Everyone I hope everyone had an amazing [insert holiday here]. But this festive season is also a sign of endings and new beginnings, and I must say, I'm pretty excited! This year has been a rollercoaster, not of emotions, but of events. I began the final year of my undergraduate course in Interior Design, I had the opportunity to travel to not...
Hello Everyone Merry December everyone! It's finally that time of the year where we can wake up singing Christmas songs, and it's not seen as weird, or we can drink hot chocolate like its water (Not that I haven't been already haha). The woolly jumpers and scarves are out and we can finally relax come the end of the month. For many students, this...
Hello Everyone Busy. The state in which we all say we're in, every day, week and month. What we set our WhatsApp statues to. The action that stops us from slowing down to take in the air, people and moment around us. Today I visited the local park close to my house, not because I had 'free time', but because I pencilled it...
Hello Everyone November is well underway and in England, we have seen many, many rainy days. Meaning the scarves, hats and heavy coats need to be pulled out (We're not quite on to gloves yet.) Hot drinks are a must every day, and me being me, I love wearing your basics and simple colours, so my moodbaord for this month is nothing but...
Hello Everyone Clara House in Buenos Aires, designed by Sarmiento and Tovo. This incredibly simplistic home faces outwards onto two courtyards that do nothing other than provide daylight and an abundance of plants/nature. The usage of wood within the interior truly brings this home alive and give it so much character. The simple shapes and views of nature no matter where you turn...
Hello Everyone It's official! October has already begun, and I'd be lying if I said that it wasn't one of my favourite months. The seasons are clearly changing, the air is slightly colder, it's finally time to bring out the winter jumpers and hot drinks are a must! For me being a student, it also marks the beginning of a new academic year,...
Hello Everyone Last month I thought I'd give myself a mental day, purely because the seasons had finally begun changing, and for as long as I can remember, I've always associated September/Autumn with fresh beginnings. So I gave myself the day off and had a mini reading session in the park. It was quite comforting to hear nothing but birds chirping, the water...
Hello Everyone Today's interiors were completed by Lopez Rivera Architects and are centred in this woodland terrain in Costa Brava, Spain. Due to being situated in an area where cork was once produced, these wooden cabins sit perfectly within the landscape and have wonderfully introduced cork heavily throughout the interior. Lopez Rivera Architects tried to use as little of the landscape/remaining woodland as...