
October Feels

October 08, 2018

Hello Everyone

It's official! October has already begun, and I'd be lying if I said that it wasn't one of my favourite months. The seasons are clearly changing, the air is slightly colder, it's finally time to bring out the winter jumpers and hot drinks are a must! For me being a student, it also marks the beginning of a new academic year, and the exciting things that come a long with it! In the next few weeks, I have some posts scheduled for you all, so bear with me and keep on the look out.

As for today's post, I thought I'd try and create a moodboard for the month that somewhat explains the warmth that I feel inside! Hence the pumpkins, and the knits!

If you had 3 words, to sum up your Autumn/Fall, which would you choose? Mine are: Warmth, Excitement and Relaxation.

Millie xx

What I was listening to whilst making this post
Rick James - Mary Jane

All images are from Pinterest

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