
10 Things to Always Remember in Life

November 19, 2019

Hello Everyone

In recent days, weeks and months, I've found myself looking at life with a completely new outlook. I've not only simplified my life in terms of clothing, belongings but also in terms of the things that I let swamp my mind and plague my thoughts. So, today I wanted to bring to you something extremely simple. The simple ways that I've been able to shift my mind and manage the different things that life has thrown my way. So, without the need to make such a simple post longer, please find below the list of 10 things that I've kept at the forefront of my mind and found to encourage me to not take everything so personally. Enjoy!

1. There is always a reason for everything.

2. Actions speak louder than words.

3. Remember that at the end of the day, you are always alone.

4. People usually only contact you when they want/need something from you.

5. Everything can be achieved if you think of it. Let it manifest and begin taking the steps necessary to achieve and exceed.

6. Everything is temporary.

7. You are only as good as the people you surround yourself with.

8. Always keep your best interests in mind.

9. Remember that happiness is always from within. You should never rely on anyone to make you happy.

10. Never be angry with another person simply because they do not act in the way you expected them to. That is your fault for putting expectations on them.

I hope you enjoyed reading, and I hope that at least one of these tips stays with you. Even if it is only for today.


What I was listening to whilst making this post
Chris Brown - Sweet Love

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