
November Feels Like...

November 17, 2019

Hello Everyone! 

Autumn. The season where adopting change is the norm. The change over of summer to autumn clothing, and the falling of the leaves. For me, Autumn has always been a symbol of new beginnings, and the chance to turn over a new leaf and begin analysing the way that you've been living your life during the year so far.

Despite being halfway through the month, November has been a good one. A month of new challenges, weather changes and being reluctant to leave my bed in the morning. However, I wanted to share some of the new things that have been keeping me inspired this month. So far they are a mixture of books, music and (of course) cafe visits.

Amongst the things that have inspired me for the month of November, books have definitely been high up in the list. Mainly because they give you free rein within someone's mind. They allow you to see the world from an entirely new perspective, and it supplies you with the chance to either take the newfound information on board or completely disregard it.

Recently I have found myself reading 'The Untethered Soul' by Michael Singer. I found this book via a video on Oprah's YouTube channel (watch it here). It was a truly inspirational video as it spoke of the ways to control your mind and the negative emotions that come along with daily life. The book is no different to Oprah's video, Michael Singer is the author, and while I don't want to mention the book in its entirety on this blog, I will say that it is thoroughly a good read, and strongly recommend it to anyone. 

Books of this genre, are great for those of you who are trying their best to instil another mindset, alter their ways of thinking, and to just see the depths and limits to where they can push their mind. I too am one of those people, therefore I find myself yearning for books of this type/genre on a frequent basis, but this book, in particular, has captured my heart and my mind simultaneously.

The music that I've been listening to this month has found a way to keep me feeling warm despite the morning cold. With the level of coldness steadily increasing, I find that it's extremely important to have music that can not only soothe the mind, but the harshness of the weather also.

Throughout the month, I have found myself listening to the soft tempos and warming melodies to that of Jazz. Jazz being one of the freest music genres this world has to offer. Mainly because it mixes simplicity and complexity. Jazz is one of the only music forms in this world where the composer can make a mistake and it blends into the score seamlessly. Therefore, it only seemed natural to include such a forgiving genre of music. Especially during the time of the year where we find ourselves slipping further away from our new year's resolutions and any other type of promise that we have made to ourselves towards the beginning of the year.

So to list 3 of the songs that I've found myself listening to heavily this month are:
1 | Oscar Peterson Trio - Girl Talk
2 | Makoto Matsushita - SUNSET
3 | Lonnie Liston Smith & The Cosmic Echoes - Sunset

Cafes. Another perfect aspect of Autumn to mention here on this blog. Simply because, during this season, I cannot think of a better pairing than hot drinks, rain and being indoors to witness it all. And that is exactly what I have been doing throughout the month of November. I have been travelling to various cafes near me, to see which is in possession of the best atmosphere, drinks and overall ambience.

I must say, while I have not yet found the perfect cafe, I have definitely had an amazing time while trying to do so.

While I am not sure whether many other countries and cities feature cafes within bookshops, in my hometown we have a rather large book shop that offers the best books, drinks and vegan cookies. So, I've been enjoying myself there quite a lot this month. However, towards the end of this month, I plan on venturing out and seeking just that little bit more. Therefore, I hope to have a longer list come December.

Thank you for tuning into the blog with me this time, and I cannot wait for you to come back again in the future!

Millie x

What I was listening when I was making this post
Hiroshi Suzki - Shrimp Dance

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