
Interior | No.39

October 21, 2018

Hello Everyone

Clara House in Buenos Aires, designed by Sarmiento and Tovo. This incredibly simplistic home faces outwards onto two courtyards that do nothing other than provide daylight and an abundance of plants/nature. The usage of wood within the interior truly brings this home alive and give it so much character. The simple shapes and views of nature no matter where you turn help to make this space incredibly relaxing just by looking at it, let alone living there.

My favourite shot from the whole space is definitely the last, as waking up to that botanic view would be nothing short of a dream come true. 

Millie x

What I was listening to whilst making this post:
Takuya  Kuroda - Unlock

All images are from Yellow Trace

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  1. SO dreamy <3 Love the modern design :)

    XO, Jessi


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