
5 Things 2017 Taught Me

January 04, 2018

Hello Everyone!

With 2017 over and done with and having 2018 already underway, there is no time like the present when it comes to listing the things that I had the advantage of learning during last year, be it negative or positive. There were as many highs as there were lows during 2017, however I will not let that stop me from enjoying every moment of 2018!

5 Things 2017 Taught Me:

1.  Focusing on yourself isn't selfish, its a beautiful sign of self-love! There is nothing better than knowing the perfect time to place yourself first and taking your own care and health, be it mental health, or physical or emotional health. This year alone, I had feelings for someone for the longest time, but I let this cloud my judgement and I ended up neglecting myself in the process. Being at the end of the spectrum now,  it's painfully obvious to know that letting this happen wasn't the correct thing to do. So towards the end of the year, I began focusing more on myself, and I intend to carry on through this year too!

2. There is no time like the present when it comes to spending moments with the people that you love the most and hold closest to your heart. There are many times when we are feeling sorry for ourselves and want to hide away and shut down. And don't get me wrong, sometimes it's necessary for us to do so, in order to come out stronger and find the momentum to carry on. But with being an introvert myself, there are times when always being with people and do this and doing that is too overwhelming and I need to just sit down and catch my breath. However, I see 2018 as the year of being out comfort zones and going the extra mile to see improvements.

3. Planning is everything. There are many times when we need to throw the books away and just get lost in the moment as in times of spontaneity, some of the most incredible things happen to us. However, sometimes when we expect so much from ourselves and from the year, we need to have a loose plan in mind in order to keep us on track so we know we are hitting our goals. 

4. Save. Save. Save. We all plan to go to place A, B, C all the way through to Z, but simultaneously we complain about having no money and we 'cannot go'/ 'cannot do it'. This may have been my one-liner for 2017, but it definitely became a one-liner that I grew tired of saying over and over again. So this year, I plan to try my best when it comes to saving money, so I am able to do so many larger and better things in the future, rather than just repeating 'I have no money'.

5. Believe. Believe that you have it in you to achieve everything you want in life and more. Through the majority of my life, I've grown too accustomed to turning down compliments, self-sabotage or worse. Believe that I cannot complete something. However despite this, at university, I was able to achieve my first 'First'. Meaning I have it in me to achieve the greatest, and I'm thirsty to see what other greatness I'm able to achieve.

Millie xx

What I was listening to whilst making this post
Spitz - Kikaseteyo

All images are my own

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  1. I think we learned similar things this past year, hehe. Absolutely love this. I hope 2018 brings you nothing but good vibes and positivity!

    Enclothed Cognition

    1. Thank you stopping by babe and I hope you have an incredible 2018! <3

  2. Great lessons! Hope your new year is off to a great start!

    Love, Lindsey

    1. Thank you soo much Lindsey! It’s been great so far and I hope yours has been the same xx

  3. You are sooo right!!


    1. I thank you soo much for agreeing! Glad you stopped by x

  4. I need to engrave these in my head!

    Blvck Bee

  5. I agree with every word. Simple and wise. Happy 2018!


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