
January Feels

January 01, 2018

Happy 2018 Everyone!

Today marks the beginning of a fresh start. The chance to change anything that may have made you uncomfortable during the previous year. But its also the day to not just declare 'I want change', 'I want this...' and 'I want that'...'. No. Instead it is the day where annual forecasting and plans should be made so you're able to squeeze every last drop out of 2018 and ensure that it'll be as good as 2017, if not better!

I've spent at least an hour planning out my month, and the things that I expect from not only 2018, but also myself. And what better way to express a small portion of these aspects, than through one of my monthly moodboards?

Here's to; better and healthier eating, taking better images, planning and actually sticking to it, remaining positive and increased levels of self-love!

Millie xx

What I was listening to whilst making this post
Pink Martini - Anna (El Negro Zumbon)

All images are from Pinterest

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  1. I love these photos. I hope you have a wonderful new year.

    1. Thank you soo much babe!! I hope you have a great 2018! <3

  2. my husband and I decided to start 2018 eating more healthy and trying to do more workout. We want to improve our lifestyle!! xx

    1. I believe that healthy eating is one of the best choices to make! Good luck and thanks for stopping by babe x

  3. Ah these visuals are SO stunning Millie!! Happy to hear you started out the new year strong <3

    XO, Jessi

    1. Thank you Jessi it means a lot! I hope you have the best 2018!x


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