
Interior | No.21

February 01, 2018

Hello Everyone

SAI Architecture Design Office have recently completed this family home in Osaka, Japan, that has perfectly incorporated both indoors and outdoors. Despite it being a large trend currently I still don't believe that I'm over it. 

The tree that is central to the home gives the family the opportunity to sit inside, but still have a wonderful view of the surrounding landscape. With this, I feel as though Japanese architecture firms get it right every time. They all understand the perfect ratio of not having too much nor too little, but only incorporating the simpliest of materials and colours.

(Now you understand why it's my favourite :)

Millie x

What I was listening to whilst making this post
SZA - 20 Something

All images are from Leibal

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  1. Omg how cool is this design office?!! Obsessed!! Thanks for sharing babe :)

    XO, Jessi

    1. Right?! It's wonderful and thanks for stopping by Jessi <3


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