
Portugal | Day Two

February 27, 2018

Hello Everyone

During my second day of Porto, Portugal I had the luxury of being able to walk around and see all the things that the square I was staying in had to offer. Be it great food, drinks and sights; the location had it all.

Later on in the day I had the opportunity to visit the Leça Swimming Pool designed by Portuguese architect Álvaro Siza Vieira. The design was well thought out and looks as beautiful in images as it does in person.  All around it was such a beautiful day surrounded by beautiful design, and not to the mention the sunset.

Millie xx

What I was listening to whilst making this post
RADWIMPS - Dream Lantern

All images are my own

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  1. Ohhh the weather looks amazing <3


  2. Your hair is gorgeous girl!
    An Trieu


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