

March 31, 2018

Hello Everyone

On Thursday, I had to run a few errands in Birmingham, and once I was done I fancied sitting down and actually having time to my self. So where better to relax than in a coffee shop?

I ordered my usual (croissant & green tea), and I just gave myself time to actually sit and enjoy my current favourite book ('A Monk's Guide to a Clean House and Mind' - Shoukei Matsumoto). The main reason why I found that my time at the cafe was well spent, was through being alone. There's nothing wrong with a bit of healthy solitude, as it gives you time to actually relax and take in your surroundings, clear your mind and just breathe.

Something, I 100% will be doing again in the future!

Millie xx

What I was listening to whilst making this post
CASPA - The End of The World

All images are my own

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  1. Yes babe! Who doesn't love a good coffee shop session with some croissants?!

    XO, Jessi

    1. Right?! Haha thanks for stopping by Jessi x

  2. I just came back from Italy where I spent one week with my parents. Relaxing and reading where the only two activities that I did and I so loved it!! So I totally understand the pleasure to really enjoy a good book and have a bit of relax. Plus, this coffee bar looks so pretty!! xx

    1. Literally, I don't think we realise how wonderful it is to just sit down with a drink and read a good book! I'm glad you agree and stopped by babe!x

  3. Loving the inspo here!!!
    IG @grace_njio


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