
Black and Navy | Paris Pt.I

July 10, 2018

Hello Everyone

During the last week of June I had the luxury of being in Paris for my older sister's birthday, and I must say if time travel was a real thing I'd do it all again. The sun was shining, everyone was overly kind, I was super comfortable in my outfit (even if the sun was too hot at times) and the best aspect of it all was the fact that by already living in Europe, my flight was only 55mins! 
At the airport, I decided to treat myself to some Japanese, and what better than some Wasabi? I don't grab food when I'm out very often. but due to having recently finished my second year at university, I thought why not?! Also if you haven't my What My Second Year At University Taught Me post, then don't forget to check it out!
 Paris is no Lisbon, but even for Paris you will often find yourself some graffiti on the streets. If you ever find yourself in the city of love, be sure to try and go down some of the side streets that aren't so common. I find that, that's where some more of the beauty lies.
What is visiting France without having a few croissants here and there? And obviously they're the best ones I've ever had, and I'm not exaggerating haha.
And there we have it! This was my first full day in the city of love! Be sure to keep reading the blog as I have more posts on the way and a few more videos to show you!

Millie x

What I was listening to whilst making this post
Lamp - Sachiko
All images are my own

Blazer - Thrifted | Jeans - &OtherStories (similar here) | T-shirt - Primark | Tote Bag - MUJI | Shoes - Birkenstocks (via Amazon

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  1. Nice! I've always wanted to visit Paris ♡


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