

April 20, 2013

 || Denim Jacket - Topshop || Black Bralet - Topshop || Leggings - Primark || Converse - Foot Asylum ||

Tomorrow i'm leaving my house, to head to my school, to then head to Wales for Dol-Y-Moch..Even though i went with my primary school I'm so so excited :) Okay moving on to my outfit.

I decided to wear this outfit and show some skin, just purely because the sun was out, for like the first time this year! This look is kind of typical, but then again sometimes basic is good. This is actually like the second time i've worn this denim jacket, i bought it in Topshop's christmas sale and i didn't realise it was a size 6 (so it was a bit tight) but i plan on wearing it more often to loosen it a bit. The first time i saw my bralet on Topshop's website i just said to myself "I WANT IT" so the next time i went to town i bought it, (i also got it in orange). The leggings i bought from Primark weren't mentioned in my Primark Pull post, cause i bought them before the post in Oxford Streets Primark for just £3!!

I love all of the items mentioned in the post and so i thought they'd all go together and *BANG* what do you  know they did!! So when i go on my school trip i won't be able to post anything, but hopefully i'll have some pictures from my trip!! Laters.

What have you bought recently?? 

Millie xx

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