
May Wishlist

May 07, 2013

New month, new wish list

|| Fresh top - Topshop || Joni Jeans - Topshop || Mesh socks - ASOS || Gladiator Sandals - ASOS ||

I've wanted this 'Fresh' top by illustrated people for a long time now and what I've wanted has finally happened... IT'S IN THE SALE!! and for only £10, i have to admit that's pretty good for Topshop.

These shoes, these shoes, these shoes, they are literally sex on your feet! How could you not want a pair of these bad boys?? (can't believe I actually just said bad boys, but you know I kinda meant it) the blackness of this outfit just blends in altogether (the top, the socks, the shoes)

These socks are just great, everybody loves mesh and everybody loves socks so two great things thrown together makes these!! Ooooh child!!

Okay nobody understands how much I need a pair of Joni jeans, like their a sexy colour, their stretchy, their skin jeans and their 'super' high waisted!!

Anyway test season is just getting closer and closer and I'm getting more and more stressed out!:( Laters.

Anyway what one item do you need in your life?

Millie xx

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  1. fab items i want them aswell! but too bad im out of $$$

  2. Cute outfit!



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