
June Wishlist

June 25, 2013

|| Hamburger Tee - Topshop || Ditsy Playsuit - Topshop || Slashed Crop Top - Topshop || Basic Crop Top - Topshop ||

Sorry that I haven't posted in a while, it's just that I've been coming to the end if another school year and there's been a ridiculous amount of tests. So I should be back and making many more outfit posts seeing as the weather is still slightly getting better.

Anyway moving on... If you're all wondering as to why there's so many items from Topshop, it's just that I got the email the other day about the sale going on and I've just fallen in love with so many pieces and that's the only website I've been looking on recently.

So this hamburger tee by tee and cake Topshop is just umm.. I'm in love with it. I mean I love hamburgers and I love printed t-shirts so why not buy one with a hamburger on it. This Playsuit is just perfect for parties, going out in the day or anything and for only £25 instead of £55 is just great, especially for Topshop. 

I am in LOVE with crop tops for the summer (and seeing as I've been working out I might be showing some skin this summer) and this grey crop is doing it for me!! And finally this slashed crop is also doing it for me because I'm so deep in love with the colour white it's unbelievable! 

I think it's about time for another planned trip to the good trusty Primark! And in about two weeks time I'm actually doing my work experience there! :) Laters.

Have you brought anything recently?

Millie xx

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