1. Have no regrets. Having regrets constantly makes you live in the past, therefore making you unable to live and aspire towards the future. They also make you focus mainly on the bad points in life instead of living for the good moments. 2. Move out of your comfort zone. Repeatedly staying in your comfort zone leaves you missing out on things that...
Merry Christmas to all my readers, wishing that everybody had a great day and everything went to plan, that no food was dropped, people saw their family and they got their desired presents. I also hope that everybody is preparing for their New Years resolutions and their Midnight celebrations! (alcohol included, of course)x Millie xx What I was listening to whilst making this...
1. KNEE-HIGH SOCKS This has to be one of my favourite ways to layer up for this current weather, purely because they look cute with most boots and can be manipulated into many outfits. For example, they can be worn over a pair of sheer tights, or simply with a pair of ankle boots. 2. EXTRA LAYERS This is an important step, purely...
Turtleneck Jumper - ASOS || Black Trousers - Primark || Pointed Boots - ASOS || Oversized Coat - Gap As the weather is getting colder, I believe its time to start dressing warmer. So on a scale of 1 to extremely appropriate... How appropriate is this turtleneck from ASOS? Also I though I'd end it on a high note with these boots. How...
1|| 2 || 3 || 4 Today, I decided to show you guys a list of the small pieces that I wanted to buy for my bedroom. All the pieces that are included are all aesthetically pleasing and will add to the atmosphere of my bedroom. All I need now is a couple of cute little tealights. Clothes rack - Now first off...
Definitely my favourite hair style and colour, followed by the style that I want to try out Though I'd share with you my recent inspiration on Pinterest, all from the minimal bedrooms to the simplistic aesthetic clothing to the perfect hair style. You can check out my pinterest here. Millie xx What I was listening to whilst making this post Chris Brown -...
Blue striped shirt - Gap || Grey leggings - ASOS || Black boots - Primark || Silver watch - ASOS Bonjour mes amis!! How is everyone's October going? Mine is going great, the leaves are changing, my personal statement for universities is coming together, and its payday on Friday, how can all of that not be good? Outfit-wise, I thought I'd broadcast this...
Hey guys how is your October going?? I thought that I'd create a mini list again, similar to last time. Also I was actually thinking about creating something similar to this every month, tell me whether you like the idea below. So today's list is about things to do on the weekend when your week as been extremely hectic and you're still in...
1 || 2 || 3 || 4 Hey guys, so we've successfully made it through the first month back to school/work, and I must say its not as bad as I thought it would be. Anyway, here's a way to celebrate the recent pay day with a short little wishlist. What I was listening to whilst making this post Nick Jonas - Jealous...
1 || 2 || 3 || 4 Bonjour mes amis! - Meaning "Hello my friends!" for all you non-bilingual speaking followers :) anyway lets move on from my 30 second French lesson... ... And onto my wishlist from American Apparel, now as some of might already know, but I'm might have to explain for those of you who don't. Apparently, American Apparel are...
Shirt - Gap || Trousers - Primark || Adidas Superstars - Christmas Present || Rose Gold Flask - New Look || Denim Jacket - Gap || Denim Backpack - Primark Hallo meine Freunde (German) - Hey guys, today is just a simple outfit post. I've seen that recently that rose gold has become a thing in fashion/jewellery and in interior design. So I...
Hey guys... something a little different today. I thought I'd give you guys a small list of little things to when you're feeling down or not so confident. So without wasting any time, here's an insight into the small but eventually easy steps that helped me overcome my insecurities and help my self-esteem/confidence. Let's begin.... 1. DON'T COMPARE YOURSELF TO OTHERS I have personally overcome...
1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 Hey Guys! Thought I'd share with you my favourite pieces for this month, and how these pieces tie in perfectly with sixth form. Okay so basically, my sixth form decided to drop a bomb shell on everybody this year, by mentioning that in Yr13 every student has to dress in smart...
|| Nails Inc "Hyde Park" - Duty Free || O.P.I "Barefoot in Barcelona || Barry M Matte "Vanilla" - Boots || Barry M Matte "Mocha" - Boots || Hey guys!! So today's content is all about the perfect nude nail, which will always be a thing no matter what. Also I know, I've basically broken the rules already, the Nails Inc is actually...
|| Stripe Cotton Shirt - H&M || Black Jeans - Topshop || Brown Sandals - Primark || Casio Watch - ASOS || Hey guys! I actually can't believe it's August already... It feels like last week, we were celebrating the new year :( Anyway onto a lighter note, let's talk about my outfit! Lately, I've really been enjoying this look... I feel that...
Hey guys, so I feel a bit weird doing a post that has barely anything to do with clothes or anything... But let's crack away. So as you all know, (because you're a part of it) the holidays have officially begun, and everyone is spending most of their days thinking... What to do with their day. So me personally I have come up...
|| Truffle Cross Over Sandals (via ASOS) - £14 || Hey guys!! How is your sunless summer going?! Just wanted to share these new additions with you guys, so you could see how adorable they are! :) The amazing thing about these shoes is that, they are ridiculously comfy, but they do make a little air sound every time you...
|| 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || Hey people. How is your transition from spring to summer going? Cause right now it's extremely hot, and I can't wait until the weather is back to being turtleneck appropriate. Anyway, today I thought I'd share with you my bedroom wishlist, instead of my typical fashion/ clothing wishlist. Well...
|| Camel Coat - Primark || Black Jeans - Topshop || Nike Internationalist - ASOS || Black Tote Bag - ASOS || Oversized Jumper - H&M || Black Snud - H&M || Hey guys!! I thought I'd make a really simple post this time :) So... here's the combination that I mentioned last post, the camel coat and grey jumper. I really think...
|| 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || Hey guys! *starts waving* how's your February going?? ... If it's going bad, here's a lighter note... It's my birthday on Saturday... I'm turning 17, so I decided to make a little list of items that I'd like. Tell me what you think in the comments. Millie xx...
|| 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 || 8 || 9 || 10 || 11 || 12 || Hey guys! Okay, so I thought I'd start this post of by saying, Happy New Year and quickly mentioning New Year Resolutions :) 1/ Try to be healthier 2/ Be more positive 3/ Believe in myself 4/ Stop...