
a day in the life / 14102016

October 25, 2016

I thought I'd try out something new and something cute... A day in the life of... well, me. I wanted to give you guys an insight into the things that I see from day to day, and the some of the images that do and don't quite make it to my Instagram. So without further adieu... here is my Friday 14th October x
taking a seat to stop and sketch the scenery.
my gorgeous friend Dela, check out her instagram @Delafariin
a short and quick visit to the IKON gallery, to view and explore any new pieces of artwork.
I immeditately go weak at the knees for any interior design book and this one called 'New Asian Interiors' completely grabbed me!
beautifully lit trees, looking so perfect against the coral wall.
once again, me stopping to take pictures and draw my surroundings.
Millie x

p.s Leave a comment below, if you guys liked this kind of post x

What I was listening to whilst making this post 
Kanye West - Hell Of A Life

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  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for stopping by, glad you liked the pictures Ama x


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