
4 cooler weather essentials

October 31, 2016

According the calendar on my phone, the British Summertime ended yesterday. So its OFFICIAL!! Autumn is finally here, and I must say, I'm EXTREMELY excited! There's nothing better than getting the chance to add layer upon layer to any outfit, hot chocolates are valid at any time, and snuggling up and watching movies and TV all day is just a must! I think another reason why I love the colder seasons, is because I'm a winter baby (bring on February).

Keep reading below to find out my cooler weather essentials:

My favourite earrings I'm currently loving!! They hang so beautifully. Also a red lip completes any outfit!x

grey turtleneck - GAP | black denim jacket - ASOS | earrings - ASOS | levis - eBAY DIY BY ME | grey cardigan - GAP | granny heels - ASOS

1. Turtlenecks
If any one knows me, they know that I'm OBSESSED with turtlenecks!! I even began wearing them early this year (you can check: here). They provide perfect heat, they reduce the need to take a scarf and can instantly make any outfit super stylish!! I'm looking for the perfect turtleneck dress, so if anyone knows the perfect shop to find one, please list it in the comments below x

2. Cardigans
I looove having my cardigans wrapped around my waist as it adds the illusion of layers and I can put it on if the weather continues to drop in temparature. If you're definitely interested in purchasing a cardigan, I suggest investing in a super thick one, as they are perfect for comfort and are literally the definition of adorable :3

3. Denim
 Another essential I will be living in this Autumn, are these jeans, as they're very Vétements inspired and can be paired with practically any outfit. Plus I've always believed that blue denim looks great in Autumn as the coloured leaves are so pretty and vibrant, so why not add a pop of colour into every outfit? So if you want to take my advice and buy a cute pair of trousers...why not visit Betabrand? As they sell pretty much everything to get you sorted for this colder weather, whilst still being pracitcal and stylish!!

4. Cute Shoes
Cute shoes are definitely a must purely because there should never be a season that hinders you from wearing a pair, and yes trainers can be classed as cute shoes!! However the shoes that I'm wearing today are definitely the current 'blogger shoe'. But can I just say, they're everything thing I thought they would be! Comfortable, versatile, and cute. They had been sitting in my ASOS 'saved items' for as long as I can remember, and recently I just thought to myself... 'You got into university... you deserve a treat'... So here we have it! I finally own a pair of granny heels!

Another reason why I wanted these shoes was because one of my favourite bloggers Hanna Stefanson lived in them over summer and she nailed every outfit (check here, here and here).

5. Earrings
Just because the weather is getting colder, doesn't mean your love towards fashion has to hide away too. There's no reason as to why you cannot keep wearing those cute accessories that complete any outfit, and I love me a good pair of statement earrings too much in order to hide them away.

Hope you enjoyed reading and Happy Halloween!!x

Millie x

What I was listening to whilst making this post
Lipps, Inc - Funky Town

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  1. So excited for all the things that Fall brings too babe!! Love turtlenecks, cardigans and denim for Fall..especially layering!!

    XO, Jessi
    Would love for you to check out my new social campaign for Naked Cashmere!!

    1. LOVE layering! Cheers for stopping by Jessi, and looved your post and I've left a comment already xx

    2. Thanks for supporting babe <3

  2. you look so cute! i am obsessed with turtlenecks too! love this outfit!
    xx Theoni

  3. Absolute yes to these essentials! I love your look! =)

    - Cielo
    Mermaid in Heels

  4. Perfect essentials and lovely shots.
    Sunset Desires

    1. Cheers Lucy, really appreciate it xx


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