
green day.

October 14, 2016

 green jumper - H&M | grey turtleneck - GAP | grey wool trousers - H&M | reebok instapumps - SIZE | earrings - ASOS 

All I can say is that university is definitely a time consumer; I've never been so busy in my life and I love it. If you guys can't tell, I'm one of those weird types that love being busy all the time (obviously with a healthy dose of 'me-time') but I love it when you get to that period in a project when you can't wait to get up and go every morning. It becomes everything you do, and you can never leave the house without a notebook by your side.

Other than getting caught up in projects and uni work, those of you who know me, know that I love being comfortable and to me, being dressed down is everything. Also that I hate being uncomfortable, especially when I have loads of work to do. So purchasing these Reeboks have been a great investment. Despite their colour, they surprisingly go with half of my wardrobe (if you guys follow me on instagram, you would've seen how much I've been living in them) and I cannot wait to live in them some more, when Winter arrives x

Millie xx

What I was listening to whilst making this post:-
Glenn Frey - The Heat Is On

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  1. Hope you've been having fun in university babe!! Glad that you are excited about all your projects :) This outfit looks so comfy and perfect for Fall !! <3

    XO, Jessi

    1. Yess its been a blast Jessi, and thank you bab x

  2. This is such a sick outfit! Love the deep/rich green with the rest of your look :)
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